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제럴드 와인버그 <Quality Software Book : How Software Is Built > - 9장 요약 Chapter 9: Why It's Always Hard to Steer9.2.2 The history of software engineeringThe Size/Complexity Dynamic 은 문제의 크기가 커질수록 복잡도가 제곱으로 높아지는 문제 유형을 말한다.소프트웨어 역사를 보면, 성공하는 경험을 할 수록, 조직은 점점 더 어려운 문제를 찾고, 도전해왔다. 그러면서 소프트웨어가 발전해왔다. 위의 그림은 소프트웨어 개발에 대한 effect diagram이다.소프트웨어 조직이 성공을 경험하면 -> 도전적인 과제를 찾아서 -> 문제의 크기가 커져서 -> 솔루션의 복잡도가 높아진다.문제의 난이도가 높아지면, 처음에는 개발자수를 늘리고, 고급인력을 채용하면서 리니어하게 문제를 해결할 수 있다. 그런데 ..
제럴드 와인버그 <Quality Software Book : How Software Is Built > - 4장 요약 How Software Is Built 본문 중에서..4.1 Shooting at Moving TargetsWhen teaching someone to shoot at a moving target, you cannot give instructions about which direction to shoot, because the direction is constantly changing. Instead, you must give general instructions about aiming guns, instructions that can then be applied to a wide variety of moving targets. That's why the study of patterns of softwa..
제럴드 와인버그 <Quality Software Book : How Software Is Built > - 3장 요약 How Software Is BuiltChapter 3. What Is Needed To Change Patterns? 3.1.1 Thought and communication in various patternsOblivious. Individualism is the key. Variable. Emotion and mysticism drive everything. People don't use words in consistent way. This works under the most current sources… I've fixed several bugs and made a lot of changes in the application code since this release, so I believe t..
제럴드 와인버그 <Quality Software Book : How Software Is Built > - 2장 요약 How Software Is BuiltChapter 2. Software SubculturesQuality is value to some person(s). Requirements are not an end in themselves, but a means to an end—the end of providing value to some person(s). ... In software work, however, we cannot assume this ideal situation, so much of the development process is concerned with more closely approaching the "true" requirements. Therefore, much of what we..
제럴드 와인버그 <Quality Software Book : How Software Is Built > - 1장 요약 How Software Is Built Preface1. the ability to observe what’s happening and to understand the significance of your observations2. the ability to act congruently in difficult interpersonal situations, even though you may be confused, or angry, or so afraid you want to run away and hide 3. the ability to understand complex situations so you can plan a project and then observe and act so as to keep..